Aug 3, 2010

Original HWK Update Installer

Products from Sarasoft like Tornado, N-Box, UFS Micro twisters and today is still very in hurry the technicians because the tool is able to repair the damage to various types of mobile phone software maximally Although the nature of the product is still semi Flasher.Kelebihan UFS UFS which accompanied HWK (HardwareKey) original or UFS Micro in which was accompanied in the original HWK is always updated to keep abreast of latest Mobile phones are very beneficial terbaru.Hadirnya installer technicians phones with additional features in the software and play a lot of improvements to the main software fixes sebelumnya.ada some tricks to do the installation for the installation of the software Primary repair UFS box + HWK UFS Micro Original Or we intentionally peeled thoroughly in this edition since Quite a bit difficult for software engineers because the installation must be Online internet. Software needed :

a.    GlobalOptions
b.    HWK_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.07.000
c.    HWK_Suite_Setup_v02.07.00
d.    HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.001
e.    HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.002

Download Main Software
To get the software Main HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.002
Visit the website at this address:

2. Download software Main HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.002

Instlasi HWK Suite
Once the software has been available all make sure the computer is connected to the Internet because the installation process should be done online.

1.Instal first Global Option by double clicking on the Global Option
2. click for the registration process

3.Click ok to terminate the installation process of global reg

4.Click on HWK_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.07.000 to double HWK update client install the latest version Next to continue the installation process HWK Update Client

6.And click Install, wait until installation process is complete

7. if in the middle of the installation process there is a message “If Your Ufsx was connected,Disconnect and reconnect Now”  Click Ok

8. mark on Launch HWK update client and then click Finish

9. If there is a message Bad Environment:-2-Library not found ignore it because it indicates the message box and the computer is not connected with baik.lalu click ok

Attach Box to Computer
Before we install the UFS Box to the computer Make sure to install the latest Drivers
1.Install first newest ufs usb driver at this address:
C: \ Program Files \ SarasSoft \ UFS \ UFS_USB_Driver \ DPInst.exe, then double-click on DPInst.exe

2. Click Next and then continue to completion

3. If There is a message-Sarasoft Windows Driver Package Ready to use signifies Driver is installed correctly and then click Finish

4. Attach Box UFS + HWK to the computer, if there is a message Found New Hardware Drivers get news Ufs

5. Find the latest Drivers Locations in alamatC: \ Program Files \ SarasSoft \ UFS \ UFS_USB_Driver Then click OK

6. If there is a message ... .... Ready to Use signifies USB driver is installed properly and the box can be used

Update Client (Online)
1. Click HWK Update Client to start the upgrade process HWK Online Internet

2. Click Next to continue the process HWK Upgrade

3. Wait Until The Login ID and serial number HWK UFS Box terdeksi already well

4. Once the Serial Number Box and HWK ID already well terdeksi click Start HWK update for HWK Upgrade Online
5. If there is a message Access Violation at Address 00949f4c6 in module 'Update Client.exe indicates a read of address 00 million internet connections or less bgs network connection is lost

6. Make sure the Internet connection on the computer is still connected properly at the time we do the Update Client.

7. When it is connected properly then wait for HWK upgrade process to version 2.0702 runs to completion

8. If There's a message HWK Upgrade Client Update Process Completed signifies success and then click OK.

9. And then restart your computer
Install Software Main
1. HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.00
2. Wait for the installation process runs to completion

3. Mark the Enable IMEI Options, then click Finish

4. Instal HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.001

5. and then instal  new vesion  HWK_Suite_Minor_v02.07.002 finish
Install Software MAIN
1. Double-click the icon to open the software DCTx BB5 Nokia's main

2.  Display the main software will be present on the computer as shown below, click Connect to see if the connections are properly connected to
3. If the connections are properly connected to the computer then there will be True and information messages Licence serial number and ID Boxes HWK also be detected in the column Result Event
4. Click on the tab and then click What UFSx News for the latest information on the main Software version UFS suite 2 .02.07

5. After that we could see an additional feature phones that already support in later versions of major software versions 2.07.02
6. At 5 in the main feature BB software also has the option type of the latest mobile phones

7. Double click on the Icon SeDBx if you want to repair all the damage the latest Sonyericsson phones.
8. SeDBx 2.07.02 version also features support for SonyEricsson sdh category CID 53 DB 2020

Hopefully these helpful tips and tricks

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