Aug 3, 2010

Analyzing mobile phones Use Power Supply

In the world of mobile technicians, there are other ways you can do to make the detection of damage to your phone by using a device called a DC Power Supply. DC power supply is very useful to know the voltage generated by mobile phones in general in order to detect damage that is experienced and can also replace the function of the battery and battery charge. Please note that each of the different mobile brands - different Amphere generated, so it should be frequently used and record the results given amperage.

How to use DC power supply:
Ø Turn on DC power supply by pressing the switch On
Ø Position the needle on the column voltage (V) at 3.6 to 4 volts (Under Voltage Battry)

Ø Red cable = positive
Ø black cable= negative
Ø greenCable blue = Btemp (battery temperature)
Ø cable yellow = BSI (Battery System information)

Ø Place the red wire to the positive battery connector on the phone
Ø Place the black wire to negative battery connector on the phone
Ø Then press the switch on the phone

Ø Note the needle on Amper column, what is produced? (Through the column will be analyzed later this amperage damage, whether the cause software or hardware)

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