Aug 3, 2010

The Function Of Each Component from Mobilephone

Function as a catcher and Transmitters Signal wave received by the Cellular Telephone

Function as Duplixer / separator between Signal RX (Reception) with Signal TX (transmission), and could also be called the Terminal on Cellular Telephone

Functions As a filter / splitter desired frequency / to be received, in order to be cleaner signal to be received by the Cellular Telephone

PENGUAT RX (Transistor)
Functions As a reception frequency amplifier that has been filtered by the filter RX before it is processed further by the Cellular Telephone

Functions As a control signal RX (incoming) and TX (out), so that each part can work well, this component consists of several parts such as: IF, MIXER, oscilator, DETECTOR, ENCODER, decoder, AFC, TONE FREQUENCY, Squelch

VCO (Voltage Control oscillator)
Functions: As an oscillator / frequency generator that will be sent via the TX (transmission) and check the frequency that goes through the RX (Reception) to stay the same as those in radiated. And also to regulate the voltage pulses of RF Signal Processor.

Functions As a filter / frequency divider which will be broadcast before it is sent or reinforced by other components present in the Cellular Telephone

IC P.A (Power Amplifier)
End Functions As a signal amplifier that will be broadcast via an antenna switch components contained within the Cellular Telephone

Is a transistor that detects, strength of signal and transmit data to the CPU for processing and then provide data related to all components, especially with the hardware associated with the Signal

IR T / R diode
As the transmitter and the reception frequency data using infrared light, is used to receive data mengiring and software applications, without the need for data cables.

This component frequency of the transmitter and receiving data using radio waves or frequency waves with the same functions with infra red

A tool for the discharge of the previous sound vibration is converted into electricity and sound with the Audio IC, which is accepted by the CPU to issue noise contained in the Cellular Telephone

A tool to speak and the way it works is to convert sound vibrations into electrical vibrations in order of votes received can be processed by other components of Cellular Telephone

Identity of any Cellular Telephone is currently active depending on the provider's sim card is used, by the way is processed by the CPU included in the Cellular Telephone

Data processing centers located in all the elements or components that work in the Cellular Telephone related components such as the rule to work as needed and can receive information from each - each component Example: Order IC Power Supply for supply voltage / current parts of the Cellular Telephone, ordered the LCD to display the Activity on Cellular Telephone, ordered the IC flash for storing data and release it when needed, examining data from Sim Card that goes through the IC Power Supply, receives commands from the keypad for data in the process.

Store data temporarily and help CPU.semakin performance of large-capacity RAM the better CPU performance.

Data storage is on a Cellular Telephone, which is temporary because the data can be changed or added

The main data storage area that permanent or factory data, and working not with the presence or absence of electric current on the phone, because it has its own electrical power. While lying there on the IC AUDIO

To set the voltage, so that can be adjusted according to the needs of each related components, as well as of the IC Charging pengkontrol controlled by the CPU.

Components that work otomais during charging and it works just to fill the battry voltage is controlled by the CPU via the IC Regulator

Functions As an incoming voice signal processing of RF ICs, amplified and transmitted to the Speaker, strengthening the sound vibrations that have been converted into vibration Mic electricity is then forwarded to the RF IC, run the command from the CPU and the audio IC also contained PCM (Pulse Code Module) and EEPROM read function code signals coming from the operator to match the IMEI phone also stores data that is permanent like: IMEI, Phone Code, Sec.Code

LCD (Liquit Cell Disply)
This component serves as a tool yanga will display all the activities / activities of the Cellular Telephone

Key Pad
This component serves as a tool that gives the command data to the CPU for processing and will be sent to other components involved in the Cellular Telephone

Interface ICs
Function as a data controller instructed by the CPU for Vibrator, Buzzer, light and nature as an automatic switch in the Cellular Telephone

Function as a source of electrical current / voltage is necessary to provide electrical current to the Cellular Telephone

Function as a liaison between the components with other components

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